68106, Omaha, Nebraska - August 13, 2021
Auto Repair Services$21.30 - $26.23 for a basic oil change This is a general cost for standard oil change. Estimate takes into account multi-grade oil, oil filter replacement, basic car inspection, and oil disposal fee. Excludes additional maintenace and repairs, seal or gasket replacement, and synthetic oils.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
68108, Omaha, Nebraska - August 13, 2021
Auto Repair Services$21.30 - $26.23 for a basic oil change Cost assumes a typical standard oil change. Estimate accounts for multi-grade oil, oil filter replacement, basic car inspection, and oil disposal fee. Price does not account for additional maintenace and repairs, seal or gasket replacement, and synthetic oils.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
68108, Omaha, Nebraska - May 23, 2018
Windshield Repair$174.83 - $251.66 fixed fee for front windshield replacement (sedan) This estimated cost includes windshield replacement labor. Price estimate includes supplies and materials needed to install a new front windshield on a typical sedan or small SUV. Items excluded: chip repairs, specialty coatings, body work, convertibles, luxury vehicles, and large trucks/SUVs.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
68106, Omaha, Nebraska - May 23, 2018
Windshield Repair$174.83 - $251.66 fixed fee for front windshield replacement (sedan) Price includes labor. No additional charge for supplies and materials needed to install a new front windshield on a typical sedan or small SUV. Cost estimate excludes chip repairs, specialty coatings, body work, convertibles, luxury vehicles, and large trucks/SUVs.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |