46516, Elkhart, Indiana - August 13, 2021
Auto Repair Services$22.67 - $27.92 for a basic oil change Manhours for basic oil change are included in cost. Estimate includes conventional oil (up to 5 quarts), replacement oil filter, and basic vehicle inspection. Items excluded: synthetic and high-mileage oils, tire rotation, air filter replacement, and additional repairs.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
46516, Elkhart, Indiana - May 23, 2018
Windshield Repair$186.12 - $267.90 fixed fee for front windshield replacement (sedan) This estimated cost includes auto glass replacement labor. Price estimate includes full replacement of front windshield of standard sedan. Items excluded: side windows, rear windshields, tinting, additional body repairs, or wiper replacement.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
46526, Goshen, Indiana - August 13, 2021
Auto Repair Services$22.67 - $27.92 for a basic oil change Estimate takes into account the cost of basic oil change. Price does include conventional oil (up to 5 quarts), replacement oil filter, and basic vehicle inspection. Excludes synthetic and high-mileage oils, tire rotation, air filter replacement, and additional repairs.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
46526, Goshen, Indiana - May 23, 2018
Windshield Repair$186.12 - $267.90 fixed fee for front windshield replacement (sedan) Labor for auto glass replacement is included in estimate. Cost accounts for full replacement of front windshield of standard sedan. Items not included: side windows, rear windshields, tinting, additional body repairs, or wiper replacement.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |